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USI-Tech’s Horst Jicha on FBI’s most wanted list

Horst Costa Jicha, a co-founder of USI-Tech, has been placed on the FBI’s most wanted list.

According to Jicha’s inclusion on the most wanted list;

For breaking the terms of his pretrial release, Horst Costa Jicha is wanted.

In accordance with a federal arrest warrant issued out of the Eastern District of New York for Securities Fraud Conspiracy, Securities Fraud, Wire Fraud Conspiracy, and Money Laundering Conspiracy, Jicha was taken into custody by the FBI in Miami, Florida, on December 23, 2023.

Jicha is the creator of USI-Tech, a network marketing firm that said that it had created the first automated Bitcoin trading platform in history and that its Bitcoin mining and auto-trading activities could provide investors with guaranteed returns on their investment.

USITech reportedly defrauded hundreds of customers by using widespread interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and aggressive social media advertising.

While awaiting trial in Brooklyn, New York, Jicha was electronically tracked following his arrest. October 3, 2024

When Jicha’s ankle monitor failed, she could not be found.

On October 4, 2024, Jicha was charged with breaking the terms of his pretrial release, and a federal arrest warrant was issued for him in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, Brooklyn, New York.

Please get in touch with the FBI office in your area or the closest American Embassy or Consulate if you know anything about this individual.

German national Jicha, who has connections to Brazil and Spain, was freed after posting a $5 million bail. A $1 million check that Jicha, Ewa, and Celine Jicha co-signed served as security for the bond.

Celine is Horst’s daughter, and Ewa Jicha is his ex-wife. Ewa Jicha was designated as Horst’s third-party custodian as part of the conditions of his release.

It’s uncertain if Celine Jicha and Ewa have vanished as well.

USI-Tech was an MLM Ponzi that started in 2016, according to Jicha’s FBI most wanted list item. In January 2018, the scheme fell apart for the third and last time.

Ralf Gold and Joao Severino joined Horst in co-founding USI-Tech.

In June, Gold was discovered dead in Brazil. Severino is still out there.